Friday, October 21, 2011

Fragile X

On the 29th of July, 2011, the Kianawah Freemason's lodge presented the fragile x association of Australia (FXAA - QLD Branch) with a cheque for $3200. This donation was a combined donation of $1600 from the QLD Freemason's Benevolence fund and $1600 from the Kianawah Freemason's lodge, who sold a LOT of sausage sizzles at Cannon Hill Bunnings.

The FXAA will be using this donation towards FXAA workshop events being held in Queensland this year.

We are very grateful to the Freemason's, not only for this monetary donation, but for donating their time to this very important cause.

A special thank you goes out to Bob and Gloria Clark, Trevor Smith, John Castleton, Steven Lewis, Neville Ball, Alex Evans and to the Benevolence fund.

It is always very humbling and heart warming to know that there are people out there not directly affected by fragile x, but who are willing to donate their time and energy to the FXAA.

Thank you again to the Freemasons,

Mel Mikkelsen

Parent Support QLD - FXAA

Pictured: John Castleton, Steven Lewis, Neville Ball, Alex Evans, Melissa Mikkelsen (Fragile X Association of Australia), Bob Clark, Gloria Clark and Trevor Smith.