
On December 2016, Bro Kemp had the privilege to be invited to attend a social function at Lodge St. John's 175, a Lodge that dates back over 227 years and mother Lodge to his father.

Unfortunately the Lodge was closed for business for the year, but none the less I managed a visit to the Lodge Room.

Below are some pictures I managed to take with the kind permission of Bro Thomas Porteous.

The Lodge from the Street:

Sitting in the East:

Customary photograph with the Piper after the 'Bells' - Midnight
On a recent visit to the UK, I had the honour of being invited to visit two lodges in Newcastle.
The lodges were Wallsend and Buddle, both Tyling at the Wallsend Masonic Temple, North Tyneside. I had the pleasure of experiencing a 3rd Degree at Wallsend and a double 2nd Degree at Buddle. The work performed by the W.M. and his officers were of the highest standard, and congratulations must be passed on to them.
I was treated to two wonderful festive boards and received some special gifts from the Brethren. The Brothers of both lodges are a credit to the Craft.
I found the Wallsend temple by using the INTERNET and my visits were organised by email. The whole process was very simple and arrangements proceeded rapidly due to the use of the internet and the promptness and reliability of the Brothers of Buddle and Wallsend Lodges. The visit to these two beautiful lodges would not have been likely without the use of the Internet.
I strongly recommend anyone travelling overseas to jump on the net and find a lodge in the area you are visiting - I had the time of my life.
Bro Alex Evans M.M.
Kianawah Lodge 450

We had the great pleasure of welcoming 3 inter-state visitors for our recent memorial service. Two of them had visited in previous months, but for Bro.Occy  (Middle) this was a first, and hopefully not the last!

We hope that they enjoyed the night, and that they will visit us again soon, and report back to their Mother Lodges that Kianawah truly extends the hand of friendship to all Brethren.

Pictured are: W.Bro.McPherson (NSW), Bro.Tescaru (NSW), Bro.Tylki (VIC).