Friday, December 2, 2011

Queensland Freemason Magazine

The November issue is now available.
Use the link on the right hand side of blog  under the "UGLQ Quarterly Magazine" heading.

Happy reading!

Melbourne Cup

It was another successful day on Sunday the 30th October.
34 Adults and 8 Children enjoyed another superb breakfast, at Lota park, which was kindly prepared by the brethren of the lodge.
The children enjoyed themselves and were excited when Santa , Wor Bro McKenzie,  gave out presents on behalf of the lodge.
Special thanks to Trevor and Thelma for the gifts for the children.

Cheque Presentation

Kianawah Lodge brethren presented a cheque for $2340 to the president of the Wynnum spring festival on Friday the 21st October.
Proceeds from a raffle conducted by the Lodge for that purpose over a 10 week period.
Special thanks to the 24 brethren and ladies who assisted.