Sunday, December 12, 2010

1st Degree, Birthday and Prawns

What an end to the year!
It was the last meeting of 2010, and what better way to end it, than by conducting another 1st degree.

The candidate showed great poise and attention throughout the ceremony. The officers of the lodge didn't let the candidate down either,they conducted themselves in the usual manner, and the level of work carried out was excellent. There were aslo some favourable words from the A.G.S.W.
Following the closing of the lodge, all Brethren and visitors went upstairs for the Christmas festive board. Being traditional of  Christmas time, or at least Christmas in Australia, prawns were served.

It was also a special night for Wor.Bro Clarke. It was his birthday, but he wasn't giving much away on the age front! 21 again Bob?

All that's left for me to say, is that on behalf of the W.M.,officers and Brethren of Kianawah Lodge, we hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable Christmas, and prosperity for the new year ahead.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

November issue is now available!

The November issue of the Queensland Freemason Magazine is now available.

The link can be found on the right hand side of the blog under the "UGLQ Quarterly Magazine" heading.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Special Night

It was a new month, so what better way to start, than by welcoming a new brother into Kianawah.
This time the honour was on Wor Bro.Wilson, as he welcomed his son Jared into Freemasonry.

It was a special night, as our newly initiated brother had not only his father in lodge but his uncle, making the occasion even more memorable.

The candidate showed great poise and composure throughout, and as such was given some favourable words by the A.G.S.W. who was in attendance to witness the occasion.

We welcomed some old and new friends to Kianawah , and as always their presence was greatly appreciated by the W.M and the Brethren of Kianawah.

To finish the evening, we had our usual festive board, and this was capped off with some of Scotland’s finest, Glenfiddich, which was donated by the candidate

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Melbourne Cup Breakfast

Another day, another reason for a get together.

Sunday the 31st October saw all Kianawah Brethren and family attend the annual breakfast at Lota Foreshore.

What made this year special?
Well this year the children of the Lodge were treated to a present, which was given out by the W.M. The look on the children's faces were priceless, as they were trying to work out if it was Christmas already, or whether in fact it was their birthday?

All the kids enjoyed themselves as much as the adults, and as a result the event was an overall success.

A special thank you goes out to Bro.Clarke and Gloria for the organising of the food, Bro.Smith and Thelma for the gifts they organised for the children. All their time and effort is appreciated as always.

Can't wait to next year, and hopefully it'll be bigger and better, with more friends of Kianawah attending, making it a "Must" attend event.

Facebook and Friends

We have now have 300+ friends on Facebook, and growing.

This stretches as far and wide as Italy, Mexico, America, Scotland, England, France and many more.

It just proves that the hand of friendship is never far away.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Events Page

Please note that we now have a "Lodge Events" page.

Here you will find all planned, and future events.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Overseas Visit

Faith, Hope and Charity....Sound Familiar?

This time it was the turn of our very own Bro.Alex Evans, who made the trip across the big pond to England.
Bro.Evans was treated to 2 visits whilst on his recent trip overseas.

You will find all the details in our "Visits" page.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Guest Book

I have now incorporated a Guest Book Page (Kianawah Guest Book) to allow visitors to leave comments.

Recently our blog site has been receiving visits from all over the world, and as such I thought it was time that we offered our visitors the ability to leave a message, should they wish to do so.

Please note that any comments that are posted using the Guest Book page will be monitored and anything that is deemed as inappropriate will be removed.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Double Second

Another month, and more degree work.

This time the honours were on Bro.Cotterill and Bro.Begley. Both were passed to the 2nd Degree.
Both were outstanding in their attention to detail in the questions put before them, and as such received favourable words from the W.M.

We had a few regular visitors, and welcomed some new visitors from Redlands, and as always Kianawah Brethren extended the hand of friendship.

Later the usual festive board ensued, and all attending Brethren shared a joke or two, and maybe a beer or two also.

It was also noted that on the 28th August, that Tuscan Lodge (Mother Lodge of Kianawah) will be installing Bro. Castleton into the chair of K.S.
This is the first time that Bro.Castleton has been installed as the W.M. as he was involved, and is only one of two remaining foundation members of Kianawah Lodge. All in all, not a mean feat to be overlooked, as Bro.Castleton is 87 years young!

Kianawah Brethren will be stewards on the evening, supporting our Mother Lodge and the Brethren of Tuscan.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Facebook Group

I have created a new group within Facebook called "Kianawah Lodge".

If you are a member of Facebook, and would like to be added to this group, then please feel free to do so.

Please note that this is a restricted group, therefore all requests to join the group will need to be confirmed before you will have access.

I hope through time that this will allow other Brethren to use this social network site to add content and share photos and general posts about their lodge, and promote good wholesome Freemasonry.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Well what a night!

Visitors from near and far, Grand Lodge Officers and a Piper to mark the ceremony, was a fitting tribute to not only the now immediate Past (Worshipful) Master, but for the Worshipful Master Elect. Wor.Bro MacKenzie
We had the honour of the presence of the Grand Master elect Adrian Burton and his team of Grand officers, of whom made up the numbers of the 100 Brethren present in the lodge room.

The installation itself went well, with all Brethren involved delivering their respective charge with confidence and the usual attention to detail.

It was an emotional time for Wor Bro.Clark, as he accepted his 4th Bar on the IPM Jewel, that belonged to his late father. He was presented this by long term friend Wor Bro.Anthony

Afterwards we had the installation festive board, were we had the chance to mix with the visiting Brethren and their wives.

The night was not to end there. Our very own Wor Bro.Wilson receiving another Jewel for his (Aged Masons, Widows & Orphans Charity Fund), this time it was upgraded to "Life Vice Patron".
We had a few laughs along the way also. With our very own larger than life Bro.Roberts deciding that mixing the raffle tickets in the bowl, meant that he should tip half of them out rather than just mix them up! Remember those eyes front Brethren, we may just miss that countdown.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

1st Degree

This was a regular meeting in which saw the candidate go through the first Degree.

It was however a sad and joyous occasion, as it was to be the last time that the Worshipful Master would conduct this ceremony, prior to the installation on the 26th June.

The candidate showed great attention to all that was put before him, and moved throughout the evening with trust and poise whilst in the care of the JD.

This evening was one that shall be remembered, not only for the work that the officers carried out, but the level of care that was taken in each charge delivered, and when called upon, and in some cases at the last minute, proved once again that the Kianawah Brethren come together.

Visitors we had, and far and wide they came.......

We were honoured to have our regular visitors, whom have been very supportive of Kianawah Lodge, and the WM over his time in the chair.
We saw our visitors from the South who had been regulars whilst on location in Brisbane with work commitments.
We also had a visiting brother from the U.K. come along, of which he was duly welcomed.

All in all it was a night that had many memories......

Many for the candidate, of which I'm sure there will be many questions.
Many for the WM, and a time for reflection of at what has been achieved over the past 12 months.
Now we look forward to the up and coming installation, of which another new chapter begins.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It gives me great pleasure to announce that we will be launching a new website for Kianawah Lodge very soon.

This will take over from the current blog (, and contain all the required information in one centralised place.

I hope that this will allow more visitors to view our site and ultimately give more information to our members through a new members section. I hope that the information contained here has been informative, and hope that the new site provides even greater information than before.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Welcome to the Kianawah Lodge Website.

Please feel free to browse this website for more information about Freemasonry and Kianawah Lodge.

If you're interested in becoming a Freemason, and a member of Kianawah Lodge, then please use the contact form on this website which can be found on the join Freemasonary page.

In the mean time we hope you enjoy the site and find the content of interest.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


There seems to be various accounts of how Kianawah Lodge came to exist.
The information that has provided has been taken from some personal thoughts from a foundation member. I'm sure you'll agree that it doesn't get much better than a firsthand account of the events that led to the lodge being formed.
Tuscan Lodge No 235 lead the way for change. Some Past masters had decided to petition for new lodges to be formed. This was possibly due to the amount of times that the Brethren met, twice a month, and possibly that due to a surge in membership that some members thought that to gain office that this would take several years.

Permission was granted, and Pacific Lodge was consecrated on the 21st June 1955, in the Wynnum Masonic Centre.
After much deliberation between the United Grand Lodge of Queensland and the petitioners, it was agreed that "Daughter" lodges could be formed.
As the way was now clear to form daughter lodges, the plans for a new lodge in Wynnum was also well under way.
So on the 7th June 1956 * Kianawah lodge was formed and had 216 Brethren in attendance.
• Kianawah members - 20
  Visiting Brethren- 182
  Grand Officers - 14

The Grand officers that evening were lead by the Grand Master M.W.Bro. T.G.H Jones and other Grand officers as detailed in the attendance book.
V.W.Bro. John.A.Thompson was the Grand Director of ceremonies
As we are now entering a new period of Freemasonry, we shouldn't forgot our past, whilst looking to the future. It appears that the determination of a few drove the momentum needed to make change happen.
We can only assume that with the will and that same determination that we can drive Freemasonry forward, and more in importantly continue the good work laid down by past Brethren.

* It appears that Kianawah, meaning "near water" was the chosen name for the new lodge after Wor. Bro. Stan Nalder was successful in submitting the name.